Water Pros "Paul The Water Man" Salt Free Water Softeners
Over the last five years I have seen several web based companies selling a "Salt Free Water Softener". Which I find very upsetting. The hardness in water is a liquid called calcium carbonate. As air comes in contact with the liquid hardness it is converted to a solid. That is the build up you see on your faucets, fixtures and on your appliances. Now in order to remove the liquid hardness out of your water we have to go back in time to the later 1800's. That is when a filter media called resin was invented. During the industrial revolution clean water was necessary for certain manufacture practices. With the invention of Resin, hardness as a liquid was able to be removed from water. Now the Resin has a negative charge which would attract the positive charge calcium carbonate (hard water). OK back to my topic of salt free water softeners.! Since hardness is a liquid, THEIR has not been any invention or filter media invented that can remove hardness from the water with out the process of ion exchange. See water softener salt is used as a detergent. The salt mixed with water turns into a saline solutions which cleans the water softener resin from the liquid hardness it has accumulated.
NOW over the years I have heard of magnets being able to re polarize the hard water minerals in the water so they do not bond to anything. Again, that is just silly non sense at best/ If water hardness being a liquid, then how can any magnetic adjust or magnetize a liquid? or better yet, as calcium carbonate reaches oxygen and converts to a solid (hard water mineral/build up), will a magnet attract a rock?
If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to contact "Paul The Water Man" at Water Pros
NOW over the years I have heard of magnets being able to re polarize the hard water minerals in the water so they do not bond to anything. Again, that is just silly non sense at best/ If water hardness being a liquid, then how can any magnetic adjust or magnetize a liquid? or better yet, as calcium carbonate reaches oxygen and converts to a solid (hard water mineral/build up), will a magnet attract a rock?
If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to contact "Paul The Water Man" at Water Pros
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