Uncertified Alkaline products Harmful to your Health?

 From: Dr. Jeon's Health Blog

Uncertified Alkaline products could seriously impact Customer Health

Heavy Metals are highly dense elements that exist throughout the environment, such as air and water.  When exposed to humans, heavy metals can build up inside your body in a process called bioaccumulation.  Trapped heavy metals in your body can cause significant damage over time.

Common types of heavy metals include mercury, lead, aluminum, and arsenic.  These heavy metals are known to be neurotoxins and have been linked to various diseases.  Mercury poisoning attacks neural and cardiovascular systems. It can cause muscle and immune system failure.  Symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite and changes in mood.  Lead drains the calcium in your body.  It can lead to decline in cognition as well as insomnia. a build-up of aluminum has been associated with various neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson.

Counterfeit or uncertified filters may release these heavy metals into the water is mineralizes.



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